سه شنبه 28 9 1391

امتحان انگليسي سوم دبيرستان امام خميني(ره)درنوبت اول سال تحصيلي

   مدت امتحان:80دقيقه    نام ونام خانوادگي:                          تاريخ امتحان:

                                                                                                  رديف                                            سوالات                                                         نمره


كلمات ناقص را به طور كامل بازنويسي كنيد

A:He has a phot-graph-c  memory.Parents  shoud  educ-te their children

B:ThatTV chan-el doesn’t have  a lot of  vie-ers.

C:Din-er  times were more relaxed without the  pres-ure of TV.

D:The foreigner’s name doesn’t  sti-k in my m-nd.

E:We need farmers to prod-ce food and people to take the  r-b-ish  away.

F:They would not al- ow their lives to be influ-nced by television.

G:It is a pa-nful job to tell him that his father is de-d.

H.:We have to understand that any so-iety needs different s-rvices.



با استفاده از كلمات داده شده جملات زير را كامل كنيد.



1.I may not…………the name of the hospital.I should write it down.

2.What kind of……………do you like?Classics.

3.Ali……………… to tell me every thing about his car accident.

4.smoking is…………….in the class.

5.They were glad to end the daily………….among children.

6.Solving different puzzles is my best…………..

7.Olampic games……….alot of tourists every year.

8.Our…………is to fit them for life.



درجاي خالي كلمه مناسب قراردهيد.

9.time which has not happened yet=………..

10.the power to see=………………….

11.Some people are very rich.Some are  poor but alarge number are ………...

12.A person who watches TV program is called a……………..

13That boy is not stupid.He is…………………………….

14.Don’t speak about it to any body,Keep it as a…………



با هرگروه از كلمات زير يك جمله كامل بنويسيد.







شكل صحيح كلمه داخل پرانتز را در جاي خالي بنويسيد.                                            

 17.Gardens are………in spring and summer.(color)

18.The weather is very …………..today.(heat)

19.After along waite,the bus………….arrived.(final)

20.The sky is………. .  .(cloud)

21.After a ………..discussion,We finally decided to sell our car.(length)

22.I like…………..days in winter.(sun)


































پاسخ صحيح را از بين گزينه هاي داده شده انتخاب كنيد.

23.I………………..my room tomorrow.

a)would clean   b)have cleaned     c)had to clean   d)am going to  clean      24-I will do the shopping when I finish…………the dishes.

a) wash             b)washing            c)washed            d)to wash

25.When does she leave home?we don’t know when……..home.

a)she leaves   b)did she leave   c)she left      d)does she leave

26.I have lost my books.I’m looking………them.

a)for              b)at                    c)after                  d)about

27.It was very interesting for him …….in foreign countries.

a)to travel      b)travel               c)travels             d)traveling

28.He asked me……….one of the windows.

a)open           b)opens                 c)to open           d)opening



با توجه به تصاوير به سوالات زير پاسخ دهيد.

  29.Wh at is Ali going to do?



30-What will make Jimmy happy?


بر اساس جملات داده شده جملات ناقص را كامل كنيد.                                                                       

31.Is it difficult for him to climb the tree?


32.Do you know where they live?

I don’t know ……………………………………………………………………………….

پاسخ صحيح قسمتA را ازبين جوابهاي قسمتB انتخاب كنيد.(يك پاسخ اضافي است)

                       A                                                       B

33.When did you arrive home?                     a)Twice a week

34.how often do you have physics?              b)At  8 o’clock

35.what is his flight number?                        c)I watch TV

36.What do you do in your free time?           d)It’s 33321

37. What does your job involve?                   e)Yes she plays tennis

38. How long has she worked there?             f)I manage an office

39.Does your daughter have any hobbies?    g)Two monthes

40.How do you go to school?                         h)They are teachers

                                                     i)By bicycle 











































كدام كلمه از نظرتلفظ (S )يا (es )پايان كلمه با سه كلمه ديگر متفاوت است.

41. a)maps      b)games               c)girls             d)rains

42 .a)dishes           b)uses        c)pens              d)watches





كدام كلمه از نظر فشار صوت (stress) با سه كلمه ديگر متفاوت است .

43. a)eighty          b)forty                   c)seventeen          d)sixty

44. a)my self        b)never                   c)ago                    d)japan



با توجه به مفهوم جملات گزينه هاي صحيح را انتخاب كنيد .

45. In  many countries , it has been fashionable to think that by free education for all ,

 one can solve all the problems of society .

 but we can already see that it is not enough . the above sentences  say that…………

a)free education is the best way to solve  all problems.

b)the problemsof many countries can’t be solved at all.

c)education is not important in a society.

d)all problems can not solved only by free education.

46.The winter Olympics are always held in countries with snow-covered mountains.

 The above sentence means that………………………………

a)hot countries can not be the host of the winter Olympics.

b)the winter Olympics are held in all countries.

c)mountains are always covered with snow.

d)the winter Olympics can be held in all seasons.

47.Memory is the brain’s ability…………………………………………

a)to use arms and legs properly.

b)to search areas of physical illneses.

c)to keep a record of past events.

d)to slow down the pace of learning.

48.Four of the forty-four families found that the family life simply

 couldn’t continue without TV , and they left the experiment.

This sentence means that………………………………………………..

a)it was possible for all families to continue the experiment.

b)all familiesleft the experiment.

c)not all families could live without TV.

d)it was easy for all families to live without TV.





متن زير را بخوانيد و جاهاي خالي جملات را با گزينه هاي داده شده كامل كنيد.

In a  village , afarmer became ill , and everybody thought he would die.

 It was winter and there was a lot of …49…….on the ground.

 The doctor who lived a hundred miles away couldn’t …50………the sick man.

 There was an old woman in that …52……..who couldn’t read and write ,

but she …51……that she was able to…53……him .

After visiting the sick man , she …54…….him the seeds of different mountain plants and wanted him to boil and eat them.

The man did so.

 The next day he felt bettbr and after two days he could walk.

49. a)rain               b)fog                c)snow                d)steam

50. a)visit              b)watch            c)look                  d)observe

51. a)farm              b)village          c)town                  d)building

52. a)believed        b)decided         c)advised             d)ordered

53. a)feel               b)hurt               c)cure                   d)force

54. a)baked           b)asked            c)cooked               d)gave   







متن زير را بخوانيد وبه سوالات بصورت خواسته شده پاسخ دهيد.

Jack smith was travelling  around the country in his car one evening

 he was driving along a road and trying to find a small hotel when

 he saw an old man

 at the side of the road. He stopped his car and said to the old man ,

 “ I want to go to the Sun hotel. Doyou know it?”

“Yes,” the old man answered. “I will show you the way.” He got into jack’s car ,

 and they drove for about twelve miles. When they came to a small  house ,

 the old man said, “Stop here.” Jack stopped and looked at the house.

 “But this isn’t a hotel ,” he said to the old man .”No,” the old man  answered,”

 this is my house. And now I’ll show you the way to the

 Sun Hotel Turn around and go back nine miles.

Then you will see the sun Hotel on the left.”

55. where did jack want to go?


56. whom did jack ask to help him?


57. how far did they drive?


58. jack stopped his car because he saw afriend.

      a.true                                           b.false

59.jack stayed in the old man’s house that night.

      a.true                                            b.false




Dehghani            Good  luck